ORGALIME S 2012. This document is used under sublicense from Teknikf retagen. It may not be stored on internal or external networks. Purchaser thereof In Writing
Licencēta elektroniskai izmantošanai Alfa Laval Corporate AB; Licences Nr. 08/05/05 ORGALIME Tulkojums atbilst ORGALIME S 2012 oriģinālam angļu valodā ORGALIME S 2012 . VISPĀRĪGIE NOTEIKUMI . MEHĀNISKO, ELEKTRISKO UN ELEKTRONISKO PRUDUKTU PIEGĀDEI. Brisele, 2012.gada marts . PREAMBULA. 1.
Orgalime SI 14 ersätter de äldre Orgalime SE 01. Språk: Engelska, franska, spanska, tyska, svenska, danska, holländska och ryska. (ORGALIME-M2000-conditions). Neither should these General Conditions be used in a situation where a supplier of goods under a sales contract is obliged to repair defects during any warranty period, which has been agreed upon. In this situation, the respective obligations of the ORGALIME SI 14 Licensed for electronic use by Theuma Metal Industries; Licence N° 02/11/07 ORGALIME. PREPARATORY WORK AND WORKING CONDITIONS 1 0. ;OL *VU[YHJ[VY ZOHSS PU NVVK [PTL WYV]PKL KYH^PUNZ ZOV^PUN[OLTHUULYPU^OPJO[OL7SHU[PZ[VILPUZ[HSSLK [VNL[OLY All the latest news from Orgalim - Europe's Technology Industries: from the EU policy developments impacting our industries, to event reports and news from our network.
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1.2. The Purchaser represents that it has access to the Orgalime SE 01 general conditions. 1.3. The Orgalime Supply and Installation Conditions are to a great extent based on the Orgalime Supply Conditions, which were most recently revised in 2012 when the S 2012-conditions for supply were adopted and published. Orgalime S 2012 general conditions are now available in English, German, French, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Lithuanian, Chinese, Russian and Turkish. There is a special annex which should be used in contracts when German law applies. Licensed for electronic use by ABB group companies ; Licence N° 11/00/01 ORGALIME.
A guide on the use of these General Conditions which is intended for use by Europe Sales Terms: Orgalime SE01 Supply & Erection of Equipment Business Terms. pdf.
ORGALIME S 2000 GENERAL CONDITIONS for the SUPPLY OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS Brussels, August 2000 PREAMBLE 6. The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser in writing of the acceptance tests in sufficient time to permit the Purchaser to be represented at the tests. If the Purchaser is not represented, the
Available in these languages : Appendix attached to the ORGALIME GENERAL CONDITIONS SI 14 reg. arding the application of German law. Where the Contract is governed by German Law (cf. clause 79 of the ORGALIME Conditions), the present Appendix shall apply .
If Orgalime's S2012 conditions have been drawn up on the same basic principles as UN ECE 188, there are substantial differences both as regards structure and content. The most obvious difference is that Orgalime S 2012 are complete and do not need a separate agreement on basic terms, such as the length of the defects liability period and the extent of the seller's liability for late delivery.
Appendix attached to the ORGALIME GENERAL CONDITIONS SI 14 reg. arding the application of German law. Where the Contract is governed by German Law (cf. clause 79 of the ORGALIME Conditions), the present Appendix shall apply . I denna utgåva 2 har författaren kommenterat ECE 188 A, som är moderbestämmelse till numera NLM 10 och Orgalime SI 14. ORGALIME aisbl | Diamant Building | Boulevard A Reyers 80 | B1030 | Brussels | Belgium Tel: +32 2 706 82 35 | Fax: +32 2 706 82 50 | e-mail: Ass. Intern. A.R. 12.7.74 | VAT BE 414341438 The new ORGALIME SI 14-conditions: an overview of the major changes 1. Orgalime SI 14 ersätter de äldre Orgalime SE 01. Språk: Engelska, franska, spanska, tyska, svenska, danska, holländska och ryska. 2007-02-11 · ORGALIME SI 14 Licensed for electronic use by Theuma Metal Industries; Licence N° 02/11/07 ORGALIME. PREPARATORY WORK AND WORKING CONDITIONS 1 0. Licensed for electronic use by EffiMat Storage Technology A/S; Licence N° 09/12/12 ORGALIME TLKKLSLSZL OLYVT VN ZHT[PKPN HUNP]L rYZHNLU ZHT[ Zr ]PK[ T\SPN[ KL[[PKZW\UR[ KHSL]LYPUNWrYLNULZH[R\UULÄUKLZ[LK
ORGALIME-working group “Legal Affairs” has mainly been to clarify certain issues, where a certain clause could be misinterpreted, and to add certain responsibilities for each of the parties to a maintenance contract. Another objective has been to harmonize the conditions with the ORGALIME-general conditions
Bestämmelserna i M 17 är avsedda för avtal, där ett företag åtar sig att utföra löpande underhåll av kundens utrustning. Åtagandet kan avse både förebyggande och avhjälpande underhåll, eller endera.
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GENERAL CONDITIONS for the SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS Brussels, January 2014 PREAMBLE 1. These General Conditions shall apply when the parties